Monday, October 26, 2015

bits and pieces: update

what was new from me? a lot of things going on this past months or so. i'm so grateful that everything went well. yet i'm still adjusting with everything.

bits and pieces.

one.: on august first, i was married to this man. it was held at my hometown. i flew back to Jakarta for work after several days of my wedding.
two.: my office transfer me to its branch in Malang, which is my hometown. so i must say farewell to my colleague and friends and Jakarta... and thank you for taking care of me for 7-8 years.
three.: my new colleague at my new office. it was a small team. but now we are much merrier with additional staff members.


Ms. Kat said...

wooow I know your husband, but obviously he doesn't know me back. he's famous. Anyways, congrats sistaaaa.... barakallahu laakum..

tjahaju said...

@Katie: thank you sistaaa... kalo lagi pulang ke malang kabar-kabar yaaa

Unknown said...

very helpful and add new knowledge, quite easy to understand, I am waiting for the next article Cara Mengobati Hernia pada Bayi, Balita dan Anak Tanpa Operasi, Cara Mengobati Ginjal Bocor, cara mengatasi asam lambung kambuh