where? Mbak Cisca's villa at Cisarua - Bogor. when? January 29, 2011. what? attending raker Love Our Heritage (LOH). why? because i was invited to attend. how? how what... how do i get there was by a train with Mbak Andra, continue with Vita and Andes's car.
what an exhausted trip for me, honestly. just finish an event Open House at my office and continue with this trip then those raker. sorry guys, i was not concentrate coz i'm so sleepy, and it's been so long for me not following the LOH's event. but, everything was so fun for me. thanks for invited me ^^
what an exhausted trip for me, honestly. just finish an event Open House at my office and continue with this trip then those raker. sorry guys, i was not concentrate coz i'm so sleepy, and it's been so long for me not following the LOH's event. but, everything was so fun for me. thanks for invited me ^^

Arema shirt by Arema store at Malang IDR 25.000
sarong pants by BINUS CAS bazaar IDR 1.000
sandals by Aksaka IDR 125.000
*kok mahalan sandal nya ya yang buat nginjek tahi, hakakakaka*

well, on my shadows... my boob as big as Pamela Anderson, hohoohoooo....

thanks Mbak Cisca and team who served us the best dinner, breakfast and lunch.
pagi-pagi saya dah nemuin blog ini. Baca sampai terpingkal-pingkal. Sayang harus brenti dulu tuk ke kantor samsat ambil nomor kendaraan. Pulangnya aku trusin lagi bacanya. Jujur, asyik banget baca ini blog...nyaris tanpa beban. Sayangnya tidak ada tombol followernya, jd klo mo nyimak cerita baru agak susah kecuali hrs bolak-balik ke blog ini. Halo Mbak Dian, salam kenal ya?!Sukses untuk Anda. Foto paling artistik menurutku foto bayangan pamela anderson!Lucu tapi nggak vulgar.
@yunims: that's very kind of you. you're comment really made my day. i'm glad that i can make other people smiling and happy after read my post.
tombol followers-nya ada kok *kalo memang itu yang dimaksud*. coz aku baru ganti template blog-nya biar lebih simple, cuman blom sempat utak/ik aksesorisnya, plus rada gaptek aku, he3x.. salam kenal juga ^_^
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