i dunno what to say, i dunno what to think
i dunno what to see, i dunno what to blink
i dunno what to eat, i dunno what to drink
*i dunno what makes it into a rime*
i dunno where to stand, i dunno where to go
i dunno where to run, i dunno where to stop
i dunno where to hide, i dunno where to seek
i dunno who am i now, i dunno who am i yesterday
i dunno who am i tomorrow, i dunno who's know me
i dunno who's the stranger is, i dunno if i know them
i dunno why am i writing here, since i realize i dunno what to tell
i dunno why am i feeling this way, since i realize i do feel weird
i dunno why am i sad, since i realize i always smile
i dunno when it starts, i dunno when it will stop
i dunno when i make my first step, i dunno if i just arrived
i dunno when it takes my time, i dunno if it takes my time already
i dunno how to understand, since i realize that i understand it
i dunno how should it be, since its already be
i dunno how to fix, i dunno how to mess up
i dunno what to feel coz i'm feeling empty
and i hate it when i feel blank

try to keep loving myself,
then loving my surround.
why feeling blank?
Dunno what to think of anymore?
Have you Already fulfilled all of your dreams?
Feeling a bit melancholisian?
or feeling home sick?
why don't you try to love your surround and then let them love you in return
#yogi: coz i'm blank/ thinking my parents/ not yet/ yup/ maybe
#wedhouz: sayangin diri aku sendiri dg gitu aku bisa sayangin org lain *marshanda style.. halah.. hakaka* of course lah aku sayang my surround, aku juga selalu buang sampah pada tempatnya.. contoh: pipis di toilet instead of pipis di sembarang tempat, hekekee...
hey its cool poem.. *made on my special day* hehehehe
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