bellow are the view from top of Museum Bank Mandiri.
city street at night. the lights from the traffic and building. keren yah.
and bellow is the view from top of my boarding house balcony at the afternoon.

remind you of something? some scene from TV series 'Si Doel Anak Sekolahan'. yeaaahh... he's alive! mas karyo is alive! bwahaha haha ha... so a kind of 'mas karyo', they do really exist in the real life. tau ga, tu orang bener-bener bawa buku kecil panjang *the one like the tailors had* buat nyatetin debet-kredit plus cicilan barang dagangannya. that was so catchy for me at that time.
Sempet ngeliat si Doel dan MAndra juga gak?? :p
ambil fotonya pake kamera hp ya?
it is real world with real people, tjahaju...
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