last week i got this idea and share it to my room-mate. we both think this is a why-not-to-try idea, so today we take an action for that.
we offering ourselves to be hired as a nanny... well actually a part time nanny since we are have a job in the morning. anyway, below is our advertise and we plan to distribute it at the apartment near our living area.

wuih... keren jg tuh part time nanny...
emang tinggal di daerah mana yan?
@thuns pa kabar dirimuuu? lama tak sua. aku kost deket pakubuwono residence, kan aku gawe nya di simprug
Halo Dian,
Saya mau tanya tarifnya berapa yah? Aku perlu nanny selama pameran 3 hari untuk anakku ( jumat, sabtu, minggu ) untuk bulan november . tapi tempatnya di jakarta convention center.
thank you yach,
hai Bu Celestine,
saya jawab via email ya. boleh minta email addres nya? saya masih newbie pake g+, jadi tadi belum nemu.
thank you :)
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